• Who inspired you?

    Teachers say it all the time: They are inspired by the youthful enthusiasm of their students. It makes them want to be generous, creating an example for us to follow. Their generosity is paid forward. We can do the same. Sign up here

  • Who inspired you?

    When you work with schools and children, good examples are everywhere. Foundations rely on generosity and commitment. We make it easier for businesses to make those generous commitments. Sign up here

  • Who inspired you?

    In business, was it a mentor? Growing up, was it a teacher? Who was generous with their time for you? And how did that help you become successful? Sign up here

How It Works

How It Works

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Credit card fees you regularly pay add up. You already pay these fees, why not put them to use in your community.

Read more about how credit card purchases can generate cash for local schools.


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The fees that normally go to credit card processors are donated to your local school.

Read more about how businesses can generate funds for schools in your area.


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Your neighborhood school are given a check to dispense as they please.

Read more about how local schools benefit from the money generated by School Spirit Pays.


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These payments are monthly and become a new source of revenue schools can rely on.

Read more about how schools receive monthly payments from businesses that participate.


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People and Quote

School Spirit Pays’ donations to education funds are a tribute to two special high school educators known for their generosity. Like thousands of teachers across the country, Jim and Mary Trentini are remembered for their giving spirit.

School Spirit Pays Introduction

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